How to open a bank account?
Which documents do I need to open a business bank account?
Which countries’ businesses are not eligible to open accounts?
Which activities are excluded from the bank’s services?
When is deposit insurance not applicable?
How is the identity of the business client’s authorised person and/or other persons verified?
What if my email address or telephone number changes?
How do I get a letter for opening an account?
What if I want to close my account?
What if there is a change in the company’s manager or authorised person?
In which currencies can I deposit, receive and transfer money?
How to complete information update online?
When can I make a currency exchange transaction?
In which currencies can I receive payments to my bank account?
In which currencies can I send payments from my bank account?
To which countries can I make payments?
From which countries can I receive payments?
Which currencies can I buy/sell?
Can I make a currency exchange transaction in cash?
How long before the payment funds are received by the recipient?
How long before the funds are credited to my bank account?
How to recall a payment?
Online bank
I forgot my online bank password, what should I do?
How do I submit additional documents related to the specific payment?
I’ve blocked my online bank logins, what should I do?
How do I block my access to the online bank?
Where can I find a description of a payment file imported into the online bank?
How can I change the limits for financial transactions or the rights granted to online bank users?
I forgot my authentication code to log in to my online bank, what should I do?
Business credit
Do you provide business loans without collateral?
What do I need to know about the ILTE guarantee?
What is the EIF and what does it offer?
How long does it take to get a loan?
What documents will I need to get a loan?
Do you provide loans to businesses registered outside Lithuania?
My case is quite unusual, do you look into non-standard projects?
What property can I buy through leasing?
Who can be the seller of the property?
What are the requirements for property purchased through leasing?
What documents do I need to submit to purchase a property through leasing?
What if the seller of the property purchased through leasing is a legal or natural person registered abroad?
Can I buy back the property earlier than stipulated in the contract?
Card payments
Do you provide a card payment service in physical stores?
How much does the card payment service cost?
In which currency and where will I receive funds for card payments?
How to make a term deposit?
When can I withdraw interest on term deposit?
Can I cancel term deposit contract?
Is it necessary to deposit the money in cash or by bank transfer?
How to open a bank account?
Which documents do I need to open a bank account?
Which countries’ residents are not eligible to open accounts?
When is deposit insurance not applicable?
How is the identity of the client verified?
In which currencies can I deposit, receive and transfer money?
How to complete information update online?
When can I make a currency exchange transaction?
In which currencies can I receive payments to my bank account?
In which currencies can I send payments from my bank account?
To which countries can I make payments?
From which countries can I receive payments?
Which currencies can I buy/sell?
Can I make a currency exchange transaction in cash?
How long before the payment funds are received by the recipient?
How long before the funds are credited to my bank account?
How to recall a payment?
Online bank
I forgot my online bank password, what should I do?
How do I submit additional documents related to the specific payment?
I’ve blocked my online bank logins, what should I do?
How do I block my access to the online bank?
How can I change the limits for financial transactions or the rights granted to online bank users?
I forgot my authentication code to log in to my online bank, what should I do?
Consumer loan
How much consumer loan can I get?
Who can get a consumer loan?
What if my financial situation has changed?
Can I repay my loan early? What will be the fee for early loan repayment?
I have completed the application form. How quickly will I get a response on my loan application?
I am married. Can you grant a loan without my spouse agreement?
Do you provide loans to people working on a self-employed basis or with a business licence? What documents should I submit?
Loan with mortgage of real estate
Ar Bankas teikia Būsto paskolas arba paskolas su turto įkeitimu? Neradau informacijos apie paskolų teikimo sąlygas.
Ką reiškia būsto paskolos refinansavimas supaprastinta tvarka? Ar aš galiu juo pasinaudoti?
Ar Mano bankas teikia būsto paskolų refinansavimo supaprastinta tvarka paslaugą?
Turiu būsto paskolą Mano banke ir noriu pakeisti jos sąlygas. Kur kreiptis?
Can I repay my loan early? Will it cost me?
Is insurance of the collateral mandatory?
Is it necessary to have an appraisal of the property when mortgaging real estate?
What do we finance through leasing?
What documents are required when purchasing a car through leasing?
Who will be the owner of the car?
What should I do and how much will it cost to buy out the car before the lease ends?
What are the requirements for me as a leasing recipient?
How to make a term deposit?
When can I withdraw interest on term deposit?
Can I cancel term deposit contract?
How do I cancel a deposit?
Is it necessary to deposit the money in cash or by bank transfer?
Which deposits are not covered by deposit insurance?